The Dangers of Esoteric Beliefs
If you have lived long enough and given some thought to existential questions, you have likely encountered claims such as:
"We are all composed of the same eternal ether, substance, energy, or quantum field (goes by many names). Consequently, we are all One. Our lives and everything around us are mere illusions, temporary manifestations within this energy field, with the field itself being the only true reality. Therefore, we need not worry or fear death or the loss of loved ones, for we are the field and are essentially immortal, part of something much greater, a greater intelect. Our death is simply a return to the field." And so on.
These claims often come from so-called Enlightened individuals and Gurus and are also popular in Buddhist philosophy.
In this article, I will explain why these claims are incorrect and lack deeper sense, yet remain very appealing to many. Often, they are so compelling that individuals shape their lives and choices around this philosophy, believing it to be 'the inevitable truth.'
First of all
, I want to reassure readers that I am not here to point fingers or call out individuals who follow this philosophy. I, myself, was deeply immersed in it 15 years ago. For years, I meditated daily for hours, chanting mantras like, 'I am not my body, I am not even my mind,' and considered myself a 100% follower of Buddhist philosophy. I participated in events and seminars on the subject, and the concept of the eternal energy field and the idea that 'we are all one' was the ultimate truth for me as well.
However, I never stopped learning about science, questioning things, and challenging my beliefs and common sense. I delved deeply into the rabbit hole, and at some point, I realized truths and deeper logic that contradicted these philosophies. This led me to move beyond them, and I was fortunate to get unstuck. I consider this period in my life an evolution phase for my mind that I needed to go through. I still practice daily mindfulness meditation and use positive affirmations. But I now view these practices from a different perspective. Meditation is a tool to relax, manage compulsive thinking, and improve overall mental health. Positive affirmations act as a form of placebo, which is now seriously addressed in modern medical science.
It is somewhat sad and disappointing to see people stuck in these beliefs for such a long time, sometimes even their whole lives, feeling enlightened, wise, all-knowing, and believing they have reached a kind of 'Endgame' where everything is crystal clear and the search for existential answers and even personal liberation is over.
I hope this article can help some individuals get unstuck, tap into something more real and rational, and understand the dangers of these philosophies.
So, let’s go point by point:
"We are all just the energy field and we are one?" Nope!
This is probably the most difficult claim to debunk because it partly aligns with science and makes sense on a superficial level. However, I hope to take you deeper into the rabbit hole and demonstrate why it is incorrect.
First, let's give the energy field a more appropriate name: Field of Potential. We don’t fully understand this field or even know if it's accurate to call it a field, but one thing is certain: it has Potential to manifest into the universe and life as we know it. The field clearly interacts with itself in ways that can create higher complexity, such as quanta forming atoms, atoms forming molecules, molecules forming cells and cells forming conscious beings like us Humans.
Next, it's important to understand that things made from building blocks are not merely the sum of those blocks. They become something entirely new. A cake is not just its ingredients; it is cooked and shaped into a new creation. If you disagree, try mixing all the cake ingredients and drinking them. Similarly, life on Earth is not just the field. It manifested from the field, but it is not the field itself; it is a new creation drawing power from it.
You can view the field as a source of potential and fuel for creating life, some of which has become conscious and self-aware. These conscious beings are the carriers of meaning and purpose, while the field merely provides the potential for their creation. As such, we are not all one; each of us is a unique creation, and our lives are precious and significant. This is why our survival instinct is so strong. And therefore, the field does not give us meaning and purpose, but its the way around.
'We should not allow the Universe to give meaning to us, we should give meaning to the Universe.'-- I don't remember who said this brilliant quote
"The field is a greater intellect?" Maybe!
One thing is clear: we don't need to give the field intellect to explain our universe and life and from a scientific and logical perspective, there is no basis for such assumptions. It most likely stems from the belief that 'this highly complex world and life can never be just an accident, so there must be a higher intellect behind it.'
But really, what are the odds or probability that such complex and relatively stable life could manifest in this field by accident? The answer is exceedingly small. However, given enough time, it inevitably does. Like the Eurojackpot lottery, the probability of guessing the winning numbers is extremely low, yet it still happens repeatedly. In fact, a mere 40 lines of computer code can prove the theorem that even the tiniest probabilities can and will manifest over long time periods. And our universe has had a lot of time since the Big Bang. These claims are also supported by scientific literature .
Moreover, when an accident happens and something highly attuned to survival is formed, it can start taking matters into its own hands. Generally, everything you see today consists of stable formations that have endured over time—survivalists.
And even if one day we figure out for real that the field has intellect, it doesn’t change a thing. We are still unique creations derived from it and carrying our own meaning and purpose. Imagine one day your finger grows eyes and a mouth and starts to tell you how it wants to explore the endless universe. Then what? Would you just say, 'Well I won’t help you, you don’t matter because you manifested from me'?
"When we die, we just return to the field?" Nope!
When we die, we cease to exist. And that's all there is to it. There is no 'you' going somewhere, nor was there a 'you' before you became conscious. Non-existence is impossible to comprehend for the human mind because it always acts and imagines from the point of existence. In reality, death is like a line; once you cross it, there is nothing for you because there is no 'you' anymore. Everything your mind starts to imagine about this nothingness is wrong, even a black void, because it is a construct of an existing mind. This comprehension problem often leads us to invalid conclusions and feelings.
This claim even contradicts the 'I am the field' theory, because in this case, you don't come from anywhere, and you don't return anywhere; you are just the field experiencing or playing with itself. Some esoterics therefore adjust the claim to something seemingly smarter, like: 'The field temporarily manifests as you to experience itself and then dissolves back.' But it doesn't matter, because as concluded from the previous chapters, there is no 'you' who is actually the field. You are you—real, unique, precious—and your life matters, and the loss of your life is also real and tragic.
When people confront death as a real issue—and at some point, we all do—we often struggle to find a solution. To reconcile the paradox that, although we are inherently wired for survival, we cannot truly survive due to entropy, we seek solace in our imagination, where death becomes acceptable, even good. This is where esoteric beliefs are born. From an unlimited view, however, we look in another direction, believing that solutions will come if we work on it. With our evolving brains and advancements in science and technology, sooner or later, Everything will be possible. Things you can't even imagine or comprehend right now. Please read on..
"This is all just an illusion, only the field is real?” Nope!
This statement is very contradictory. If everything is a real field, we are also perceiving this real field and its real state. Of course, we don’t see atoms or energy particles directly, but we perceive the same energy field on a very high level—a level that is not too complex to drive us crazy and allows us to survive. And as you see, we are doing pretty well with these high-level field perceptions. To tap into smaller building blocks, we can invent technology like microscopes and particle accelerators. Saying that the field is real but its states and manifestations are not is absurd. In this case, we could actually erase the word 'real' from our dictionary, because it would only apply to the Field as an entity and therefore have no use.
Looking at what is real or not in such a manner is just philosophical overkill and serves no purpose. Think of a hologram. If it's fooling you with an image of an elephant, you might say it's not real. However, if you know it's a hologram, you can call it a very real hologram. Defining 'real' is a complex construct, but we can use it as humanity has agreed upon—a dual state that serves a purpose, for example, to point out that the hologram is not a real elephant. Could everything be a hologram? Then nothing is real, and the word again loses its meaning. Or much better, we assume that our holographic universe is real for us and our lives, and we make some actual good use of the word 'real' and strive for better knowledge on reality. And who said your field is real? It might be an experiment in an alien supercomputer. Do you see where I am going with this?
"Your beliefs vs. mine?" Nope!
Consider this example:
- Peter believes in the Field's higher intelligence. He organizes special events and encourages everyone to do the same.
- Markus is against this belief. He denies the Field's higher intelligence and encourages everyone to adopt the same view.
- John takes a neutral position. He acknowledges that there is no Solid evidence for the Field's higher intelligence. He sees that the evidence is either absent or sometimes contradicts common sense and logic, so he doesn't see any point in trying to disprove it. He also understands that there is no Solid evidence against this belief. So he just simply shares this exact knowledge.
It's clear who is acting most rationally here, independent of personal beliefs. I always try to be like John. This article is about showcasing the biggest logical errors in these esoteric views, presenting contradictory theories and even scientific facts, acknowledging where humanity is at this point in our understanding, and empowering people to aim for real discoveries and truths. Not to force any beliefs.
But why are these esoteric beliefs dangerous?
If people live in an illusion and act based on their illusions (i.e., we are eternal ether, we are one, etc.), they miss out on their true potential and literally throw away hope for something greater and actually real. Esoterics does not have the potential to truly alleviate the immense suffering here on Earth, which you will face sooner or later, as will your children and theirs. This high survival instinct in all beings is not just something meant to be washed away. It is and always was at the core of our behavior and actions, driving us towards something unlimited and great. It is up to you to pursue this potential or to turn to alcohol, narcotics, or esoterics and deny it. But remember, we are not alone, and the power of humanity is in working together to achieve great things, so every participant counts. We absolutely should take power into our own hands and strive for a sci-fi future where we can actually fix suffering. Given our highly evolved brains, I would say we even have an obligation to do so.
Our ancestors didn't struggle to survive just so we could have excessive fun and dream about eternal ether. They endured harsh conditions, fought predators, battled diseases, and withstood famines. They braved the elements, from freezing winters to scorching summers, without the modern conveniences we take for granted. They learned to hunt, gather, and eventually cultivate crops, which was a relentless fight for survival. Their perseverance and innovations laid the foundation for our current society. To honor their efforts, we should strive to continue their progress (also learn from their mistakes) and address the real challenges we face today. One day, our technological progress might even allow us to cross the boundaries of time and thank them personally. One thing is for sure: right now, we are far from the Endgame.
And the thing is, we actually need people who are deeply concerned and aware of our life and world situation, who channel this high emotion into doing something unbelievably great, who find joy in working hard to minimize suffering and push humanity to the next level, or even pursue work to save the world from potential crises and catastrophes. Emotion and purpose drive us to do great things and solve problems, while excessive neutrality and comfort make us lazy and self-contained; it's just a fact. I'm not suggesting that we should be constantly stressed or on edge, but when we are, we should manage it, transform it, and take action—not reach for fairy tales.
On how you can help the cause, check the index page “But how can you help?” section. And stay tuned.