Quote of the Day: The real monster

It's very old, the monster
Older than the light,
older than this rock...
older than your god.
It knows us...
inside and out.
Smells our fear,
sees our secrets.
It's been here...
all that time.
to meet you...
in the dark.
There is nothing you can give it.
The only thing the monster wants is for you to know...
that there is nothing you can ever love
that it can't take away.
— Halo TV Series
I am not entirely sure what the original authors intended with this depiction, but today, I will interpret it my way and give the monster a name—Entropy.
It is indeed very true that Entropy is older than everything we know because it has always been there; it's part of the design of our universe, including ourselves.
So, it's always among us, doing its work and turning things back into chaos. And, as time passes, it can take away everything from us.